Private Practice Provider – Apply
Virtual Care is a program provided by the Newfoundland and Labrador Health Services (NLHS) and uses videoconferencing technology to connect health care providers with patients.
This program reduces the need for patients to visit healthcare facilities in person, while still ensuring important access to services. A virtual care appointment is very similar to a face-to-face appointment, allowing you to see, hear, and talk to your patients in a secure and private manner.
Virtual Care appointments are eligible for payment through MCP if you are a fee-for-service physician. Click here to see applicable MCP billing codes for Virtual Care
If you are a health care provider using virtual care in a Private Practice, please review the ‘Considerations for Virtual Care’ document and view the ‘Orientation video’ to determine if virtual care is a good fit for your practice.
To apply to be a virtual care provider, email info.virtualcare@nlchi.nl.ca to request a virtual care application form. Complete and submit the virtual care application as per the instructions provided on the form.
On the form you will need to indicate if you will be self-scheduling your virtual care appointments, or if someone will be scheduling on your behalf.