Virtual Care Services in Newfoundland and Labrador
The NLHS benefits from a number of virtual health services that improve access and quality of care for patients, care providers and administrators. As a patient, you may interact with different virtual health services depending on your situation and the type of care you need.
NL Health Services offers a number of virtual care services to help improve access and quality of care for our patients. As a patient, you may interact with different virtual care services depending on your situation and the type of care you need.
The addition of two new virtual care services to expand capacity of primary and emergency health-care delivery in Newfoundland and Labrador was announced in November 2023:
- Virtual Primary Care for people currently without a family doctor or nurse practitioner
- Virtual Emergency Room Care that will help emergency rooms in NL communities deliver more accessible care.
These virtual care initiatives are free to patients and based on secure and private digital platforms.
Find the Information and care you need:
Virtual Primary Care
For people currently without a family doctor or nurse practitioner.
Virtual Care
For providers, patients and schedulers who use virtual care solutions for inpatient and outpatient services
Information for Patients
Information for Providers
Information for Schedulers